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ENT surgical care for your entire family in Cedar Rapids, IA

Ear, Nose & Throat

Surgery Center Cedar Rapids offers a full range of ENT procedures that are safe and effective in an outpatient setting. They include surgery of the face, tonsils, adenoids, sinuses, throat and ear ducts.

When you need help for ENT-related issues, choose a knowledgeable ear, nose & throat doctor in Cedar Rapids, IA at SCCR. Our team members are expertly trained and have years of experience with both routine and specialized ENT conditions, as well as compassionate pediatric surgery. And all Surgery Center procedures mean convenience and less out-of-pocket costs for you.

Our Specialties Include:


Looking for ENT services? SCCR is your top choice for an Ear, Nose & Throat Physician in Cedar Rapids, Iowa!

Schedule a Consultation

To Schedule a Consultation, Please Call 319.398.1545